Hi, I'm Addie!
I’m a wife, mom of 2 amazing girls, travel addict, budgeting extraordinaire, organization freak and lover of research.

I think I'm a pretty regular girl - I have a house, family and a 9-5 job. I love meal planning, running back and forth between sports practices, pretend time on the playground, movie nights, organizing my house, and learning about gentle parenting.
But where some people think I'm not so ordinary is that I like to travel, and I drag my whole family along with me. Sometimes I getaway for a weekend, other times for a couple weeks, and occasionally I go full on sabbatical and take off for 3 months or a year. Thankfully my family is usually on board for my crazy ideas. So far I've been to 27 countries, 41 US States, and actively scheming for more.
How do I do this? I really know my way around a budget. I know where every dollar is going every month, and a lot of times it is going to savings. I'm all about experience over things. Secretly, I actually really love budgeting, and could spend the better part of a rainy day with my nose in a spreadsheet. I love helping others get their budget started and watch them makes their dreams and goals come to life.
This website is to inspire you to live a fulfilled life, made up of whatever you want it to be. Life is all about priorities. The content is posted based on whatever I happen to be doing; whether it is working on my budget, traveling the world, or being an ordinary mom. I hope I can inspire you to make time for your dreams, whether it be taking a grand trip, spending more time with your loved ones, buying a house, getting better at meal planning, getting out of debt or whatever else it may be.