4th of July Preschool Theme

The 4th of July is about more than just parades, cookouts & fireworks, and I want my kids to know that. Over this week, I will play different American songs to get in touch with some of the feeling behind our independence. Some of the songs I will play are: The Star Spangled Banner, O Beautiful for Spacious Skies, My Country Tis of Thee, This Land is My Land 

I also have 2 videos with 4th of July ideas and some of the activities referenced are in them. You can find 4th of July Ideas for Kids here and 4th of July Preschool Learning Fun here

 M T W Th F 
Religion Read Pauls Journey Pick a Coloring page Say hello in 10 languages** Use a map to trace Pauls Journey – ask how he would have done this without planes & cars Tie Dye** 
Language (2) Musical stars** Shaving cream and R&B paint on a window and practice letters Pull & Dot activity**Salt activity from this video except instead of fireworks we’ll do her name Prewriting horizantal & vertical lines  
Language (4) Phonemes dot pages – do 1 a day, use red & blue dot markers Phonemes dot pages – intro can sight word Phonemes dot pages – Practice this emergent reader Phonemes dot pages – practice sight words & do sight word match Phonemes dot pages – 4th of july bump game 
Math (2) Pattern practice with marshmallows and paint Count 10 red and 10 blue unifix cubes then build a tower in an AB pattern How many are in each row worksheet (choose the level you want) What comes next worksheet Make pipe cleaner bead bracelets in RWB pattern (can practice sorting color beads first)  
Math (4) Pattern practice with marshmallows and paint Shaving cream and R&B paint on a window and practice numbers & shapes  Simple subtraction (we’ll choose 2 of the 3 worksheets) Roll & cover (pick one) Make pipe cleaner bead bracelets in RWB pattern and count the beads at the end  
Art/Sensory 4th of July sensory/water bin Make an American flag  Make a red white & blue collage with whatever materials you want USA puzzle (we have a big floor puzzle but use what you have) Supervise some basic firework play (like sparklers)  
What is 4th of july The American flag Learn the Pledge of Allegiance 13 colonies  How do fireworks work 

Hello in 10 languages – Say hello in 10 languages, just like paul had to speak the language wherever he traveled. The holy Ghost gave him that power. English Hello, Spanish hola, French bonjour, italian Ciao, Arabic marhabana, Chinese ni how, hindi Namaste, Portugese Ola, Russian Privet, Japanese Konichiwa 

Tie Dye – Lydia was a seller of purple cloth.  Flowers, berries, herbs, plants and even nuts can all be used to make various colors. A purple dye can be made using blackberries (rather than snail shells like in Lydia’s day) or you could just use a kit. Do blue & red for the theme. 

Musical Stars – Draw stars with sidewalk chalk and write review letters inside them, then play ‘musical stars’. Have them say the letter sound that they are standing on when the music ends 

Pull & Dot Activity – make a red, white & blue rice bin and hide letter magnets A-Z inside. On a piece of paper write letters A-Z in big letters. Have child pull a magnet from the sensory bin and then use red & blue dot markers to dot the letter that they pulled. Repeat until they find all the letters. 

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