Tag: budgeting spreadsheet

What Budgeting Method Is Right For You?

If you’ve ever talked to me about money, you’ve probably heard me say that if your priorities are in the right place you can afford anything you want. A lot of times it takes budgeting to figure out where your priorities are, and where they need to be. But how do you get there? If you’ve ever looked into budgeting at all, you know that there are a ton of different budgeting methods out there. So, what are they, and which one is the best?

Why You Should Have A Monthly Budget

Budgeting. Whether you love it or hate it, budgeting is the best way to approach your finances. It organizes your money so that you can pay your bills, live life, and save for the future all at the same time. Making a plan for your money is the best way to have it all. A budget breaks that money down and creates a plan for each dollar.

Budgeting Spreadsheet Instructions

YAY! You’ve decided to make a budget and you have all the tools that you need in order to get started. All you need are some instructions on how to use it.

This post is going to outline how to use my free budgeting spreadsheet only. If you need to learn how to make a budget then read this post first. This spreadsheet works on the premise of a zero-based budget. If you don’t know what that is, you can read about it here.

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Making Time For You When You Share An Income

When I got my first “big girl job” out of college there was a feeling of self accomplishment being able to support myself on my own income. If I wanted a to go shopping, I went shopping. If I wanted to take a trip, I saved and then took a trip. The world was my oyster. Today, I would still say that the world is my oyster, but I also have to think about and plan for more than myself. After we said “I do”, my husband and I merged our bank accounts and decided to share all of our assets equally.

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How To Create A Monthly Budget

Creating a budget, and sticking to it will absolutely change your life. Having a budget and knowing where your money is going is the key to financial freedom and one of the best things you can do for yourself. So, where do you start?

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How To Afford Anything You Want

Have you ever wanted to go on a trip or buy something new only to look at your bank account and wonder if you will ever be able to afford it? How about something smaller. Have you ever wondered if you have enough to cover the groceries that are currently in your shopping cart? Managing your money and knowing what your financial profile looks like is key to knowing that there is enough (or not enough) money in the bank, understanding your priorities and reaching your saving goals. More simply, you need to have a budget.

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How To Save Money To Travel

Are you ready to take a trip, but can’t imagine ever saving enough money to do so? Do you feel like there is never enough money at the end of the month to put aside? I’m here to help. I always say that if you set you priorities in line with your goals, there is not way that you won’t succeed. If you make travel a priority, you will travel.

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