5 Days in Barcelona

Barcelona is an absolute delight, and one of my favorite cities of all time! There is so much to see and do, the food is delicious, and it is so laid back and relaxed. It’s also so fun with kids! The Catalunya pride is contagious, and they have their own culture since they are kind of cut off from the rest of Spain. The one thing I would add to this itinerary is to see a Barcelona FC game at Camp Nou. Even if you are not a soccer fan, these games are so fun. Additionally, exploring some of the neighborhoods on bike is also fun if you get the chance.

Day 1

AM Start the day at Placa Catalunya and make your way down Las Ramblas, stopping at La Bouqueria and ending at the port. As you walk keep an eye out for Gran Teatre del Liceu, the opera house (which is a good tour if you want to do that as well).  When you get to the Columbus Monument, cross the street, and spend some time walking around the port and basking in the sun. Rick Steves has a great free walking tour you can listen to while exploring.

PM Walk back from the port through Bari Gotic and get lost in the streets. Be sure to visit the Cathedral as well. Again, Rick Steves has a free self guided walking tour through this area that is worth doing.

Day 2

AM Today is all about Guadi – follow the Rick Steves tours for each of the sights. Start at the block of Discord featuring Casas Batllo, Leo Morera and Amatller, then La Pedrera/Casa Mila. You don’t need to go into all of them, pick one and just see the facades of the rest. Next head to Sagrada Familia. Words cannot describe the impressiveness of this church that makes you feel as if you’ve stepped into a rainforest. Make sure you get your ticket in advance.

PM Bus up to Park Guell and spend some time strolling through the whimsical park. If you want to go to the main overlook area, purchase your ticket in advance. It’s a great place to watch the sunset.

Day 3

AM Head to the Arc de Triomf of Barcelona and walk down the boulevard into Parc de la Ciutadella. It’s a beautiful green space housing the zoo and also boasts a beautiful fountain, row boats and playgrounds for the kids.

PM Spend the afternoon exploring the El Born neighborhood behind the park. It’s such a charming area and a great place to ‘get lost’ for an afternoon. Make sure to stop by the Basilica de Santa Maria del Mar and Plaza del Ray. The Picasso Museum is also in the area if you are interested in that.

Day 4

AM Have a slow morning, and then make your way to Poble Espanyol to see a traditional Spanish village. After having lunch, take the cable car up to Montjuic.

PM Explore the beautiful hillside filled with things to see. Don’t miss the Monjuic Castle, a stunning old military fortress, the Olympic grounds of 1992, and the National Art Museum of Catalunya. Finish your evening sitting on the steps of Placa de les Cascades to watch the Magic Fountains dance to a soundtrack.

Day 5

ALL DAY Relax on Barceloneta Beach, if you get tired of the sand, walk the promenade lining the beach, Passeig Maritim. There is also a park if you need a change of scenery. Be sure to walk the water as well to see all the other beaches and sights like the Somorrostro beach, Platja de Sant Sebastià, and the W Hotel.

Insider tips:

  • A lot of sights are closed on Mondays, so plan ahead
  • Get a T10 card – it is sharable and half the price of getting 10 single tickets – believe me, you will use it

Something doesn’t interest you, or have more time? Here are some more ideas

Add on Activities in Barcelona

  • Explore the picturesque Gracia neighborhood which has its own feel because it used to be separate from Barcelona
  • Go to a Barcelona FC game… you will not regret it!
  • Visit the Barcelona History Museum filled with Roman ruins. You can take an audio tour explaining all the exhibits.
  • Barcelona museum of contemporary art (BACBA) – a large museum with many pieces by Spanish artists (namely Miro and Picasso). Warhol and Calde are also featured here.
  • Joan Miro Foundation – museum dedicated to Miro showcasing his surrealist work
  • Picasso Museum – More than 4,000 pieces of all Picasso
  • Tour La Palau de la Musica, the moderista Catalan music hall
  • Visit the Recinto Modernista de Sant Pau to get a glimpse the 1920s. The space used to be a hospital.
  • The Palau Reial Major housed counts and the kings of Aragon, you can learn about the history here
  • See the beautiful altar in the Chapel of Santa Agata
  • Take an hour day trip to Montserrat to climb a mountain, get great views and hear a choir sing
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