Pre-Trip To Do List For An Extended Trip

Before going on our world trip, we had sooo many things to do. Every time I felt like we were making progress on our to-do list, I seemed to think of something else that needed to be added. It didn’t seem like we were ever making progress. But, eventually as the trip got closer and closer we were able to tick everything off the list. Here is my complete pre-trip checklist to help you get ready for your trip. These are in no particular order.

For Everyone

  • Meet with your doctor or travel adviser to talk about which vaccines you may or may not need for your trip
  • Schedule any doctor’s appointments that you might want to have (dentist, wellness, eye etc…)
  • Research your destination and make your itinerary
  • Make a list of any visa’s that you might need
  • Get passport photo’s taken if your visa requires (some visas require you to send in passport photos with your application)
  • Actually purchase the visas (or make a plan to do so on arrival if you have that option)
  • Set up auto-pay for any credit card or subscriptions that will need attention while you’re gone
  • If it’s an extended trip, cancel any subscriptions that you might not need
  • Book the first couple legs of the trip
  • Contact anyone you will be visiting on the trip to determine timing
  • Make a packing list
  • Pack
  • Figure out what you will do with your car OR Get a tune up if it is a road trip
  • Get pricing for international cellphone usage
  • Book accommodations for the first couple of night/weeks
  • Purchase and medications you want to bring
  • Plan a going away part
  • Make copies of travel documents (scan them to your email)
  • Notify your bank of travel
  • Get a little bit of currency of the first place you’re going
  • Download books and movies for travel (make sure to do it for your kids too)
  • Change your mailing address or get your mail forwarded
  • Get an international health insurance if you won’t have one otherwise
  • Figure out if taxes will need to be done while your gone

For those keeping their house

  • Do the dishes
  • Take out the trash
  • Turn out lights
  • Turn down the air/heat
  • Put new sheets on the beds
  • Clean
  • Hire a house-sitter if needed
  • Figure out pets
  • Get someone to water plants

For those moving/selling their house

  • Pack up house
  • Move stuff to storage, or sell it

I’m sure there are probably many other little things that you may need to do depending on your situation, but this list should get you off to a pretty good start!

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