Taking a long road trip with kids? I know that can be terrifying to think about it, but if you are prepared it can also be fun! We travel A LOT and have done A LOT of loonnnngggg (think 36hours – 5 months in the car at a time) road trips. There are times that I’ve been perfectly content and there have been times that I’ve wanted to pull my hair out. Fortunately for you, I have lots of tips to help save most of your hair.
I thought the easiest way to share my tips and to actually show you how I entertain them and what I pack would be to just film a video, so that is what I did. You can click here to see the video, or the picture below! Hope you have a good trip!
If you have a baby (8-18 months-ish) than this video is going to be more up your alley.