Amazing Tips For Traveling With Kids

Traveling can be stressful in itself, but when you add kids to your travel it can be overwhelming. But, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do it. Traveling with kids is one grand adventure. It is something that will change your life – for the better! Yes, you might have a few mishaps along the way, but what good story doesn’t have any? Being prepared is one of the best things you can do to ensure a smooth trip, so here are my tips to making travel with kids easier.

Stock up on snacks

You’ve probably heard it before, but snacks can be such a lifesaver. Kids get hungry at random times, and if you don’t have something to give them be prepared for a meltdown. Snacks can also be a great distraction, and a good way to pass time.

I like to make pretzel or cereal necklaces for them to snack on. It’s something different that they get excited about, and it takes them longer to devour. If you’re going to be cooped up on an airplane, you may want to avoid sugary snacks.

Keep them entertained

A bored child is a headache. You need a solid arsenal of entertainment for your little one when you travel. Do not expect them to behave for hours. I like to let mine each have their own little backpack that they can put a few small toys in, then I fill the rest. I usually go to the dollar store and pick out some fun new things for them – pipe cleaners, gel window stickers, slime, toy car, sticker pad etc… I also usually wrap these things up so that they can open them, like a new travel gift. It creates more excitement and passes more time. They also make kids travel entertainment kits that you can order pre-assembled if you prefer that.

Headphones and a smart device are also key. Even if you aren’t a fan of screen time, I think travel is an exception. Download age appropriate games, books, songs and movies that can function offline, and make sure you get everything charged up before you go too. If you have multiple kids sharing a device, make sure to get a headphone splitter too so that they aren’t fighting for sound.

Bring a Ziplock Bag

I cannot stress to you how versatile and necessary a Ziplock bag is. There are so many different uses for them – trash receptacle, cellphone waterproofing, stinky diaper pouch, a place to put soiled clothes etc… The best part is, that if you never use it, it hardly took up any space in your suitcase.

Make it dark

This is really only necessary if you have kids that nap, but when kids get to a new place they like to take everything in. When you put them down for a nap, if they can see, they will just want to look around. Clip curtains that leave a light gap together with a chip clip or clothes pin to make it dark. If you’re staying in a hotel, you can use the clips from the hangers as well.

If there are not curtains where you are staying, pick up some tin foil and press it over the windows to black them out. It’s a cheap and effective solution for darkness.

Prepare for jetlag

If you are crossing time zones, have a plan of attack for when you get there to help baby’s transition a little easier. I have a whole post about baby/toddler jet lag here to help you.

Pack Light

One of the biggest mistakes that I see parents make when I travel is that they pack too much. I think most people think that they need double of everything, just in case, but that is not true. The more you bring the more you will have to carry, and the more you will have to juggle. It is not worth the hassle.

If worse comes to worse, the place you are going will have whatever you need – there are kids in every part of the world. (This is even true for diapers).

Use packing cubes

Keeping each child’s items in their own packing cube will make life so much easier, keep your bag organized, and ensure that everything doesn’t end up all over the floor. We travel with one packing cube for each person, one for medicine, one for electronics, and one for toiletries, and they all fit in one suitcase.

Get a good backpack

Forget the diaper bag. You need to be hands free when you’re traveling, so a backpack is a must. Go for something durable, and something that can fit everything.

Have a plan in case they get lost

When you are traveling, you are often distracted, and kids are quick. There is a small chance that you could get separated from you child. This is one of those better safe than sorry situations. Make a bracelet out of pipe cleaners and beads with your phone number, or write it on their arm or buy a ‘if found’ bracelet/necklace. If your kids are old enough, you can have them memorize your number and talk to them about what to do if you get separated.

Let them bring a lovie

This item will be different for every child, but let them bring one item that they love that will make them comfortable. This could be a pacifier, doll, stuffed animal, blanket or even a favorite toy. Being in an unfamiliar situation or sleeping in a foreign room can be scary for kids, so having something that makes the feel more at home can be a lifesaver.

Get your kids excited

Before you leave, give them an idea of where you are going and what is going to happen. Teach them about the culture, major sights, animals, food etc… Learning about the place will make them especially excited to visit it, and will make them more comfortable with traveling as well.


If you are traveling with a child under 2, get yourself a good carrier and babywear. It is hands free, convenient, and you don’t have to worry about space or the terrain. If you do want to bring a stroller for toddlers 2-4, make it an umbrella stroller. Something small and lightweight that you don’t mind leaving somewhere if need be.

Schedule in some downtime

You need to be flexible when you are traveling with kids. They may not always want to cooperate, or they might run out of gas and need a break. Don’t overschedule.

Using this tricks will help make your travel more peaceful and joyful with your children. There are tons of other tips related to airplane travel or road trip travel specifically, and you can check those out in my other posts.

There is nothing like experiencing the world through the eyes of a child. Enjoy your next adventure with your little ones. If you are flying, make sure to check out these helpful tips for flying with kids.

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