Category: Budgeting

How To Save Money And Still Have Fun

Recently people have been talking about budgeting, and it sounds so exclusive. No more of anything ‘exciting’ in your life – no Netflix, no more eating out, no more anything; and that it just not entirely true. You CAN save and still do some of those things, it will just have to be in moderation. HERE’S HOW!

How to Use Your Credit Card Responsibly

Using credit cards can be one of the best things you do for yourself – IF, yes, I said IF you can use it correctly and to your advantage. Credit cards are one of the best ways to help build credit and show that you are credit worthy. If you don’t use it responsibly, it is a sure way to kill your credit which can be a hard hole to dig yourself out of.

What Budgeting Method Is Right For You?

If you’ve ever talked to me about money, you’ve probably heard me say that if your priorities are in the right place you can afford anything you want. A lot of times it takes budgeting to figure out where your priorities are, and where they need to be. But how do you get there? If you’ve ever looked into budgeting at all, you know that there are a ton of different budgeting methods out there. So, what are they, and which one is the best?

Why You Should Have A Monthly Budget

Budgeting. Whether you love it or hate it, budgeting is the best way to approach your finances. It organizes your money so that you can pay your bills, live life, and save for the future all at the same time. Making a plan for your money is the best way to have it all. A budget breaks that money down and creates a plan for each dollar.