Construction Preschool Theme

Construction week is a special week at our house because my husband is a carpenter and LOVES to get his tools out and show them to the girls. Here is what we will be doing this week. It’s a review week in letters for my 2 year old as well as learning the number 12. For my 4 year old we are working on the sight word “said” and addition.

 M T W Th F 
Religion Read Two Miracles Story Comprehension Questions* Use craft sticks to paint the Jesus heals worksheet Think of ways to help sick people (draw card, smile, phone call, get tissue) Play doctor with ace bandages and other dramatic play 
Language (2) Review letters with letter magnets in sensory bin 
G,O,N,U,D focus 
Construction Vocabulary – We have something like this, but not the exact one Hammer golf tees into a sheet of cardboard with review letters written on it, say the letter sound as you hammer Build review letters with rocks Paper plate clip on letter review (like in this video)  
Language (4) Plot of story Intro – then read a short story and talk about what the plot is (continue all week) Said sight word Hammer golf tees into a piece of cardboard with the sight word said written on it ‘Said’ focus emergent reader (I made this one based on past sight & CVC words, construction themed.  Her choice (my bet is it will be practicing letters and reading on the starfall app) 
Math (2) Intro 12 w/ sandpaper Count 12 blocks and then knock them over – repeat! Use nuts and bolts to count to 12 Use a clock to practice numbers 1-12  Hammer 12 tees onto a piece of cardboard 
Math (4) Basic Addition worksheet Roll a dice and stack that number of blocks, roll again and repeat – add the 2 together Nuts & Bolts Addition* Build the picture card out of unifix then count how many of each color and add them together to get the total (I made this, it isn’t perfect but you can use if you want) Color by number. I will use sharpie to turn numbers into addition problems 
Art/Sensory Construction themed sensory bin (construction trucks, black beans, pebbles, construction signs) Build with blocks Play with a bin of nuts, bolts & washers (stack them, manipulate them, just let them play) Use brown tissue paper, craft sticks, toothpicks and glue to make a work of art Construction Art* 
Learn about what construction workers do When playing blocks, talk about symmetry and balance when building buildings and materials to make roads etc.. Talk about different construction materials and why houses look different in different parts of the world 
Talk about the basics of circuitry and do the Close the circuit activity Look up the tallest buildings in the world and find them on a map  

Comprehension Questions: 

What did Jairus ask Jesus to do? 

What did the messenger from Jairus’ house tell Jesus? 

What did Jesus do? 

What is a miracle? 

What is an example of a miracle? 

Name some of the other miracles in the Bible. 

Nut & Bolt Math – Use number 1-10 flashcards (or normal cards) to pick a number, then place that many nuts on a ten frame sheet (you can just draw one or get a printable here. Then fill in the rest of the ten frame with bolts. Talk about how the number of nuts and bolts added together = 10 

Construction Art – Put shaving cream on a brown piece of paper and use a construction truck to drive through it to create a picture 

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