Food Preschool Theme

I like to do this theme right before Thanksgiving because of all the food we are about to have. It’s fun to see them put into action some of the things they learned from this unit while eating their Thanksgiving meal. Here is what we will be doing for our food & nutrition theme this year.

 M T W Th F 
Religion Read Firey Furnace Story  Comprehension questions* Color or paint worksheet Play mother may I game Play red light green light and extension 
Language (2) Sandpaper letters R Read, Build, Write* R binder Stone soup story & retelling R miniatures 
Language (4) Food Rhyming* Read, Build, Write* At the grocery store mini reader Stone soup story & retelling Alphabet soup* 
Math (2) Intro 9 with math beads Sandwich shop game Practice counting with goldfish Count 9 items to check out when playing grocery store Trail mix patterns 
Math (4) Use math beads to show the concept of 1000 Easy as pie fractions*Measure food items with unifix – estimate before measurings, count how tall and then compare Be the cashier when playing grocery store with the banker game Trail mix patterns 
Art/Sensory I like to eat craft* Kitchen Play Sensory bin – dried beans & plastic food with baskets Grocery Store Play Build over, under, around & next to a car or doll with pantry items 
Food group sorting  Parts of a banana Parts of an orange Where does my body get energy sheet Find where your favorite foods come from on a map 

Comprehension Questions: 
When were the people supposed to bow down to the golden statue? 
What would happen if Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did not obey? 
Who did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego choose to obey? 
How did God protect the three men in the fiery furnace? 
Because of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s obedience, what did the King realize? 

I Like To Eat – Cut out foods the child likes from ads and glue them on a brown paper bag. Label it “Isa” Likes to Eat 

Read, Build, Write – Draw a shopping cart on upperhalf of white board. Pick a letter flashcard, have child find corresponding letter magnet and put it in the ‘cart’. Then have child write the letter on the lower half of the board. I’ll pick R and a couple other letters to review for my 2 year old & Am and a couple other sight words for my 4 year old 

Alphabet soup – put magnetic letters in a bit pot and give your child a ladle. Have them scoop out the soup and tell you the letters. You can then have them make small sight words or CVC words with the letters. 

Food Rhyming – Pick a piece of play food and try to rhyme with it. Do it until child is bored – ex. Rice – mice, tomato – potato, apple – chapel. This could be a good way to introduce new vocabulary. Child may say some silly words as well, but if they are getting the rhyming concept then that is ok. Just have fun with it! 

Easy as Pie – I have this game, but you could introduce fractions by using a paper plate pies and cutting them up into different sections. This lesson is not supposed to really get them doing fraction math, but more introduce the concept of fractions to them and better understand some of the terms that we use in our everyday lives and in baking. 

Some ideas from Pocket of Preschool   

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