Forest Preschool Theme

We’re adding a forest theme this fall, because it is the perfect weather to get out on a hike in the forest and learn about nature and animals that are gearing up for the winter. This lesson plan was created for my newly turned 4 year old who is working on mastering all of her letter sounds.

Some books we love for the forest preschool theme are: The Busy Tree – Jennifer Word; Baby Animals in the Forest – Editors of Kingfisher; Little Owl’s Night – Divya Srinivasan; We Walk Through the Forest – Lisa Farland 

Religion focus: Learn the prayer before meals

2 Yr Old Options: Play with animal figurines, make animal tracks in play-do, collect nature items, match the forest animal, Owl color & size sort

Language Introduce D – sandpaper letter; color the letter & practice writing the letter on the back of the page (you can dot letters for them to trace too) Introduce O – sandpaper letter; O is for Owl & Owl Maze Introduce R – sandpaper letter; Do the racoon, rabbit letter craft Match animal figurines to the correct letter magnet or flashcard (I also have these). You can print cards if you prefer 
Math Forest animal 10 frame sheet – do numbers 1-9, use acorns or animal counters to fill in Roll & graph animals – first one to 9 is the winning animal Count the number of pieces, then build puzzles Dot rocks with Sharpie #’s 0-9. Have child count and put them in order 
Art/Sensory Fork painted hedgehog craft Newspaper owl craft Forest sensory bin – sand, pinecones, animal figures, rocks, acorns, stem of pine needles  Rock painting – you can paint into a forest animal if you want 
S/G/H Learn about the forest layers & talk about the animals that live there*  Types of trees in the forest  Learn about animal tracks & then match them Pinecone experiment 

Forest Layers – This link is to a rainforest, but the basics of the layers are the same. Ignore the animals listed. You can talk about squirrels, foxes, deer, racoons, rabbits, porcupines, owls, birds & bears.

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