Groundhogs Day Preschool Theme

Groundhogs Day is February 2nd, so what better week to have a groundhog & shadows theme. We’re working on the letter P and number 12 for my 2 year old. For my 4 year old we are continuing to talk about parts of a story as well as the sight word but. She’s also working on her addition skills.

 M T W Th F 
Religion Read Jesus Feeds 5000 Comprehension Questions* Paint worksheet with Qtips Doing the impossible activity Plan a picnic (indoor if its cold) 
Language (2) Sandpaper letter P Dot marker sheet Letter P Binder Color by letter (will do the one with 4 – and do P with 2 other weak letters and a strong letter) P Miniatures 
Language (4) Introduce sight word – BUT – Build the letters with playdo Learn about the conflict of a story; Read a book or watch a movie and discuss the conflict Use sight word BUT to talk about the conflict or problem in a story – ex. Someone wanted something BUT XYZ Color by sight words  Practice sight words and CVC words using this game 
Math (2) Make 12 with playdo (can make numbers or do 12 balls) Create 12 with unifix or blocks on a piece of paper and trace around it Groundhog shadow matching Roll 2 dice and use counting bears to count the number rolled  Use a q-tip to paint the 12 poster 
Math (4) Color by sum Graphing groundhogs – then add them all up Addition BINGO Use counters to talk about place value and addition (exampleUse dominos to create addition problems and solve 
Art/Sensory Draw your shadow (if too cold, trace your body) Crawl through a tunnel like a groundhog Flashlight play Shadow tracing (use a flashlight if it’s cold) example in here Groundhog puppet and song 
Tell story of Punxsutawney Phil and groundhogs day – find PA on a map Talk about the habitat of a groundhog & hibernation Shadows are caused by objects blocking light – make shadows with flashlights and explore how they change based on position of light** Difference between transparent & translucent – does light shine through activity  Groundhog fact teller 

Comprehension Questions: 
Where did Jesus get the food for the crowd of people? 
What food did the boy have in his lunch? 
Jesus fed 5,000 people with just five loaves of bread and two small fishes.  Was there any leftover food? 

Shadow Position Change – Get a 2 liter or something and place it in the center of a piece of paper. Shine a light on it and trace the shadow, then change the position of the light and trace where the shadow went. Continue doing so until the concept is understood. 

Does light shine through activity – Get a variety of objects from around the house and use a flashlight to see if light shines through (Tin foil, dollar bill, plastic wrap, tshirt, paper, net etc…) 

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2 thoughts on “Groundhogs Day Preschool Theme

  1. Hi I watched your video and am trying to see you lesson plan for the 52 weeks please advise thank you

    1. Hi – you can find it in the freebies section – if you need a password, just sign up for the newsletter and it will be emailed to you

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