Human Body Preschool Theme

This week we are learning all about the human body. This unit is science heavy and a lot of the science/art/language is interchangeable, but that is ok!! Other themes that we will do later may be more focused on geography or history or something else, so it all works out in the end.

As always, I have linked to where I got ideas or printables. You can get our homeschool theme schedule with our weekly focuses from the freebies section if you want to follow along or get our themes for the year. You do have to be a subscriber to access the freebies though.

 M T W Th F 
Religion Color Josephs Colorful Robe Sheet Comprehension questions Try to drop figurine ‘joseph’ into a cup ‘the well’ from up high Paper bag coat puppets Bake cookies in gingerbread shape and decorate with colorful m&ms for robe 
Language (2) Intro A – A miniatures Letter binder astronaunt  Letter binder – letter A Bsody part flashcards Bones 3 part cards 
Language (4) CVC & Site word practice  Body to objects My body systems reader Practice beginning, ending & vowel sounds of body part words Bones 3 part cards  
Math (2) Fingerprint graph up to 3 A – Ant sorting Practice counting 1,2,3 Heartbeat patterns Practice counting 3,2,1 
Math (4) Fingerprint graph Roll & watercolor Body Parts Teen bingo Heartbeat patterns Long& small Intestine Length 
Art/Sensory Build a skeleton Q-Tip skeleton X-ray playdough Digestion experiment Religion is art/sensory 
Bones book & skeleton + Body parts busy book page 2yr Bones book & skeleton  Bones book & skeleton + What’s inside a drop of blood  Major organs  skeleton + organs labeling Major organs skeleton +organ 2&3 part puzzles  

Josephs Robe Comprehension Questions from ABCJesus

-What did Jacob give to his son Joseph? 

Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him.  Do you get jealous of your brother/sister when he or she gets something and you don’t? 

What was Joseph’s dream? 

The brothers’ jealousy turned into anger.  What did they do to Joseph? 

Roll & watercolor Body Parts – I drew a picture of a body on a paper and assigned each body part a number 1-6 (1=head, 2=legs etc… you could do 1-12 if you want to use 2 die). I will have my daughter roll the dice and use watercolors to color the body part to the corresponding number. 

Other Ideas: 

Make a candy spine 

Rhyming body parts practice 

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