Perfect for spring, the pond preschool theme is one that my kids love!! It’s a great time of year to get really hands on with this theme and go visit different ponds around the city.

 M T W Th F 
Religion Read A Hole in the Roof Comprehension Questions** Color the Lame Man Healed worksheet.  Then glue fabric on the bedroll and string on the rope. Play “doctor” and talk about how only Jesus can command a lame person to get up and walk Kindness discussion** 
Language (2) Fish for letters (I have a game I will put post it letters on, but you could make this insteadDragonfly sort Pond review letter stamping game (choose duck, frog, turtle, fish or a combination!) Put magnet letters in a bin (the pond). Then pull one out, identify it and sort into 2 piles – letters in your name and letters that aren’t Write struggle letters on green post its (lily pads) and place them on the floor – have child hop to the letter you call 
Language (4) Fish for sight words (like above) Mud writing** Sight word & end sound word stamping game (above) Make and read a fun pond story Lily pad hop like above, but with words you want to review 
Math (2)  Count 18 goldfish then do Fish cracker patterns with them Write 18 on the board, then jump like a frog 18 times counting each jump Count, sort & graph goldfish  Make a shape turtle** Count 18 pom poms then use tweezers to feed pom poms to a rubber duck 
Math (4) Write a time in numbers and have child draw where the hands should go Draw the time with hands and have child write what time it is Greater gator game Make a turtle clock** Practice reading digital clocks 
Art/Sensory Pond process art Frog craft Pond life match up Parts of a turtle puzzle Frog directed drawing OR pond playdo mats (both are freebies from here
Pond habitat Frog lifecycle + 3 pt cards with frog facts & how frogs grow Learn about the Difference between reptiles & amphibians & do sorting activity Turtle 3 pt cards & facts Alligator lifecycle  

Comprehension Questions: 
What did the four friends do for their hurt friend? 
Do you think it was hard to carry their friend so far to see Jesus? 
These men really loved their friend and knew Jesus could heal him.  What kind things have you done for your friends? 

Kindness Discussion – Focus on the kindness the men had for their friend.  So much kindness that they were willing to do whatever it took to get the man to Jesus so that he could be healed.  Discuss how you can be kind to others as well. 

Shape Turtle – Tape a construction paper head and four legs to a green paper plate ($Tree). Add google eyes to the head. Count out 18 foam shapes and use them to fill the center of the plate to make a shell. (Adapted from Pocket of Preschool) 

Clock Turtle – Tape a construction paper head and four legs to a green paper plate ($Tree). Add google eyes to the head. Have child write the numbers of the clock on the perimeter of the plate and draw hands to make a clock. (Adapted from Packet of Preschool) 

Mud Writing – Instead of a salt tray, make a mud tray with a little dirt and water. Make a list of words that you want your child to practice. Have your child read the word then practice writing it in the mud with their finger or a stick 

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