Presidents Preschool Theme

Just in time for Presidents day, this week we’re learning about the Presidents. I love that some weeks we focus more on geography and physical science, while others we lean more towards government and history.

Let me know if you have any questions!

 M T W Th F 
Religion Read the Prodigal Son Story Comprehension Questions Marble paint the Prodigal Son ABCJ worksheet Feeds the pigs activity Forgiveness Activity 
Language (2) Sandpaper F Letter F dot marker page F Binder Draw a big F on a piece of paper and have child glue feathers to it F Miniatures 
Language (4) Introduce SH sound (dramatize with finger up to lips shhhhhh) 
Introduce sight words SHE & HE 
President word of the day sheet Review sight words sight words + Listen for sh in words. Practice initial sounds – You can find picture cards here – look for SH sounds – initial words sight words + Listen for sh in words. Practice medial sounds – You can find picture cards here – look for SH sounds – medial words  sight words + Listen for sh in words. Practice final sounds – You can find picture cards here – look for SH sounds –final words 
Math (2) 14 Learn about coins Count 14 coins and then sort by color or size (or both!) Place 14 star stickers on the worksheet or use red & blue dot markers to stamp 14 times each Flip a coin 14 times and graph the results  Snap cubes 
Math (4) Learn about coins Presidential Problems Presidential equations  Log cabin counting Snap cubes  
Art/Sensory Easy word search or harder President’s Day word search Make a hat, wig or beard Coin rubbings Lincoln Unscramble President directed drawing 
Talk about what a President is** Then talk about a few (Washington, Lincoln, Trump, Biden) Washington & Lincoln sheets + our flag sheet Talk about where the president lives, find it on a map, show pictures of the white house Cleaning/ polishing pennies  Presidential 4 in a row game  

What is a president – I really like this resource, but it’s a little too advanced for preschoolers. I did take the page talking about holiday, country, President, leader etc.. And will use it to intro the President’s Day unit – I will save the resource for future years. 

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