This week we will be talking about the rainforest and all the animals that are in it. This tends to be a favorite theme among my kiddos. Here is what we will be doing.
M | T | W | Th | F | |
Religion | Read the Poor Widows Offering | Comprehension Questions | Decorate the gift worksheet by gluing on purple construction paper squares | Cut a slit in the lid of a container and make it a bank. Decorate it and collect money to give to the church | Give one person many coins (rich) and the other just 2 (widow). Put offering in a box and see what is left in each pile. Widow gave all, rich man had much left |
Language (2) | W sandpaper, green rice writing tray – write with mini rainforest animal | Dot to dot – I will pick one write the letter W in the dots and have her make the sound as she stamps | W binder | Dot to dot – same as Tuesday but with another animal | W miniatures |
Language (4) | Intro sight word how & S blends – give examples from here – look for S-blend (initial, medial & final words) | S beginning blends + sight words | S blends cut and paste + sight words | Sblend word sort + sight words | Visual s blends – I tweaked this for spin & smell. I did pin instead of pen & mall instead of mail to make small |
Math (2) | Review numbers with counting manipulatives (I’ll use leaves and animal erasers) | Count to different using unifix cubes (snakes) then help write the number on the board | Make number pyramids using Montessori beads | Montessori spindles 0-9 numbers | Rainforest counting |
Math (4) | Rainforest addition (anytime there is a 1,5 or 10 relate it to a coin) | Rainforest 10s and 1s – relate this to dimes & pennies | Shopping for toys | Place value | Money yard sale |
Art/Sensory | Sensory bin – green rice, rainforest animals, fake trees | Make snakes out of playdo – play with rainforest habitat printable | Paper plate parrot* | Do a rainforest animal craft kit from DollarTree, Michaels etc.. | Make a rainstick |
Science Geography History | Parts of a rainforest- look at a couple & find on map: Brazil/Amazonand Africa/Congo | Kinds of rainforests – tropical v temperate | Look at a few more rainforests & find on map: Nicauragua , Southeast Asian rainforests & Alaska Tongass | Rainforest animal nomenclature | Rainforest fact cards |
Comprehension Questions:
How much did the widow give to God?
The rich man gave a lot more money to God than the widow did yet God liked what the widow gave better. Why?
When you place money in the offering at church, you are giving to God. What are other ways you can give to God?
Paper plate parrot: Cut a paper plate in half and hot glue together to make head & body. Use yellow tissue paper to cover the front half of the head for the beak. Then glue red, yellow and blue feathers to cover the rest. Add a large google eye
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