Space Preschool Theme

(Updated 10/2023)

Here is what we are doing for space this week. I also went to the library and checked out a bunch of fun and educational books on space to go on the bookshelf as well.

Some of out favorite books for space theme are: The Sun Shines Everywhere – Mary Ann Hoberman; Mousetronaut – Mark Kelly; The Spacesuit: How a Seamstress Helped Put Man on the Moon – Alison Donald; Mae Among the Stars – Roda Ahmed; Our Stars – Anne Rockwell; Astronaut Training – Aneta Cruz; Zoom, Rocket, Zoom – Margot Mayo; Captain Invincible and the Space Shapes – Stuart Murphy 

You can find all my themes and what we are focusing on for each week in the freebies section. Just sign up for my newsletter to get the password emailed to you.

 M T W Th F 
Religion  Crossing of Red Sea & Comprehension Questions* Color & Decorate Red Sea Sheet* Play follow the leader and talk about how the Isrealites followed Moses Parting of the red sea activity Red Sea Walk 
Language (2) I letter of the week folder Star & Rocket PreWriting Practice I for insect shadow matching Countries starting with I I miniatures 
Language (4) CVC practice Review sight words Word stretching CVC practice  Review sight words 
Math (2) Match astronaunt to moon number Paint by number 1-5 rocket (I got mine from ABCMouse) Connect the dot constellation mats Build a rocket Star & Rocket size activity 
Math (4) Order stars 1-12 & star number clips Match 10 frame number to finger pictures & do 10-0 rocket number tracing sheet Connect the dot constellation mats Space nonstandard measurement Space what comes next 
Art/Sensory Use magnatiles & cans to make a rocket Space stamps Nightime star picture* Moon puzzle Stay up late and star gaze! 
Moon observation Phases of the moon with oreos  Us in relation to space* Magic School Bus Outerspace science fact memory game  Get a space book rom library and read it 

Comprehension Questions: 

What is the name of the sea that God’s people crossed? 

The water was very deep and there wasn’t a bridge.  How did the people cross? 

When Moses raised his staff, what happened to the water? 

Crossing the Red Sea worksheet Some children may be confused that even though it is called the Red Sea, the water is still blue.  Decorate the sheet  by painting the water blue and adding a pipe cleaner to Moses’ hand. 

Red Sea Walk – Set up a long line of chairs backwards in 2 rows. Give children a walking stick and let them walk through the red sea leading you and any other children (the backward chairs). Let everyone have a chance to be the leader. 

Word Stretching – You can print out a page of CVC word pictures or just show them pictures on the computer.. Like this one.. Then have them try to stretch out the sounds of the word to try to spell it on the dry erase board. You can tell them that each word has 3 letters to help them. 

Nighttime star picture –  Cover the entire surface of a white sheet of paper with blue, red, purple and yellow crayon. Then color over it with a black crayon. With a blunt object scratch away the black to reveal many ‘stars’. You can add a moon & other objects to the picture too if you wish. I would recommend using a half sheet a paper for smaller children so they don’t tire of coloring. You can also help. 

Us in relation to space – Cut 8 strips of paper each one a little shorter than the one before. Label Home, city, state, country, planet, solar system, galaxy, universe. Then get images of each of those from online and paste them to the corresponding strip. Use a brad clip to bind them together. 

2023 Space Theme Plan

Religion Focus: Learning the Our Father

2YR Options: Planet Shadow Matching, Ordering planets by size, Outer space patterns, A for Astronaut matching & puppets 

Language Introduce S, A, M (black sand tray w astronaut figure taped on popsicle stick) A is for astronautTracing Orbits & Tracing Lines  M is for moon; Make letters out of marshmallows and pretzels (can also make constellations) S is for space & stars. Go on a star search*  
Math Introduce #8 and put 8 star stickers on coloring page Count and color the 8 planets in the solar system worksheet & match the numbers to the correct orbit Space nonstandard measurement Connect the dot constellations 
Art/Sensory Space play-do tray – star cookie cutter, marbles, star counters, little balls of foil Rocket name craft Space puzzle & Rocket puzzle Make a telescope 
S/G/H Read Planet Mini Book Earth’s Orbit in Action* Phases of the moon with Oreos Day & Night Sorting 

Star Search – Write letters of first & last name as well as S, A & M on post-its and outline with a star. Hide them around the room and have your child go on a star search. When they find them, have them say the letter sound. 

Earth’s Orbit in Action – Outline a path representing Earth’s orbit on the ground. Then acting as the sun, the child can shine a flashlight on you (who is the Earth) as you rotate and orbit the sun. You can reverse the role play as well. 

More Space Activities: 

Lots of fun gross motor activities here 

Outer Space Hats 

Constellation Activities – Make a telescope & learn the constellations 

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