Sports Preschool Theme

For the sports theme, I like to touch on a variety of sports to broaden my kids’ experiences. I touch on some that they love, some that they’ve never heard of, and some that they might want to try based on their interests. If your children like something different than mine, feel free to work with what your child loves instead! 

 M T W Th F 
Religion Read Jesus Goes to Heaven Read  & Ask Comprehension Questions Color Jesus and create shaving cream clouds around Jesus on the My Father’s House worksheet. Is Jesus Gone puppet lesson Make a cloud jello snack 
Language (2) E sandpaper E binder  Fish for magnet letters and say their sounds (make your own pole with a dowel, string & magnet) E plate ball** E miniatures 
Language (4)Long & short vowel E sort  Get’ sight word (also introduce them & these)  Fish for magnet letters, then build sight words Print the jersey and have child write their name and favorite number, then decorate it Sports emergent reader & practice sight words 
Math (2)Practicing throwing balls or bean bags into a laundry basket (count them at the end) Pattern matching with sports balls Lightly hammer (with a pounding toy) 19 golf tees into a foam block Draw child’s name on the jersey and 19. Help them identify the number then make 19 dot marker dots Match ball with sport worksheet 
Math (4) On a draw erase board, draw X & O play patterns Pattern matching with sports balls Lightly hammer (with a pounding toy) golf tees into a foam block in a pattern Athlete daily patterns** Talk about patterns in different sports** 
Art/Sensory Choose a sport to play (tball, golf, bowling, swimming, gymnastics, basketball, dance etc..) Play musical hot potato with a ball, when the music stops the person with the ball yells ‘touchdown!’ or ‘goal!’ etc.. depending on the ball used Winter sport dot marker page Shaving cream window – E, 19, different sports icons/balls  Sports charades – Act out different sports and have others guess 
Use blocks to build a sports arena or field, then they can play with it** What makes a ball bounce experiment Talk about the oldest sports in the world and also locate them on the map Ball Discovery** Hockey science experiment 

Comprehension Questions: 

What did Jesus tell the disciples to do after He left? 

What did the angel promise? 

Ball Discovery – Place a few different kinds of ball in a basket with a scale. Let them weigh the balls and see the differences. You could also help them cut open some of the balls (if you wish) and let them explore what they are made of. 

Block arena – Example: build a basketball court and baskets out of blocks then get some pom poms and little figurines and ‘play’ basketball 

Athlete Daily Patterns – Patterns aren’t just the repeating of color or ABAB type patterns that we think of. Patterns can also be things like a daily routine. Talk about what the routine of an athlete might be, you can pick any sport. For example, a soccer player might wake up, drink water, healthy breakfast, drive to soccer, change in to soccer uniform, put on shin guards, lace up shoes, listen to pump up music, stretch, do some warm up drills, play game or practice, cool down, shower, big meal, etc.. 

Patterns in sports – Discuss with your child some of the patterns that you might see in different sports. For example: a layup in basketball is step, step, knee up; freestyle in swimming is right arm, left arm right arm with breath; a volleyball spike does a L,R,L pattern etc… 

E Plate Ball – Write the letter E on the center of a paper plate. Then make the plate into a sports ball of your choosing (ie. Add baseball stitching or hexagons for a soccer ball) Then have child use dot stickers to go over the letter. 

Theme image: Sports balls vector created by macrovector_official –

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