Winter Preschool Theme

(Updated 10/2023)

After a couple weeks off for Christmas, we are getting back into the swing of ‘school’ with a fun winter theme!

This week, for my 2 year old we will be working on the letter G and reviewing numbers 1-10. For my 4 1/2 year old, we will be reviewing sight words and reviewing length, capacity and weight as well as comparing them. See below for the 2023 plan for my 3 turning 4 year old.

Fun winter theme books: Snowflake Bently – Jacqueline Briggs Martin; The Mitten – Jan Brett; Snowmen at Night – Caralyn Buehner; The Story of Snow – Mark Cassino

 M T W Th F 
Religion Read 3 wise men story: Shepherds Visit Shepherd follows the star worksheet Dress up like a shepherd (could use wrapping paper roll as staff) Hide a sheep or star and let child find it Color the Shepherd worksheet Play/Sing We 3 Kings song 
Language (2) Sandpaper & salt letter G Draw letter G on paper, use white dot stickers (snowballs) to cover it G is for gloves dot work Color the glacier and letter G miniatures Letter G binder 
Language (4) Practice sight words & CVC with a winter themed easy reader – then do sight word unscramble Snowy sounds end sound practice Snowman sight word sentences (I will help her with this and just do 1 of the pages) Review short vowel sounds with whats in the middle page Practice sounding out and writing cvc words with short vowel snowflakes 
Math (2) Use a muffin tin and tweezers to count and place 10 marshmallows Post it Number hunt* Use lets make 10 worksheet to practice numbers (we will just do the 10 frame, not the addition) With flashcards 1-10 use tweezers to place the corresponding number of cotton balls Winter clip cards from Christmas week (I use measured moms, but here are some other free ones
Math (4) Snow much fun base 10 – build rubix cube to match and compare lengths Help in the kitchen with dinner and do all the measuring work Use scale to compare weight of different objects Using a ruler, pick a number in inches for child to find objects of that length around the room/house Do an experiment using liquid measurements and compare different cups, beakers etc.. 
Art/Sensory Puffy paint snowman Winter sensory bin – cotton balls or snow, fake trees, snowmen figures, penguin figures etc.. Draw or print a bare tree on a sheet of construction paper. Use bubble wrap to paint snow on the trees Tape down aluminum foil and squirt some shaving cream on it. Let child ‘skate’ with their fingers Make cloud dough (note – this is NOT safe to eat) 
Pick a science activity from science bin (we have thisLook up temperature in different countries and graph differences – can talk about equator Life cycle & types of snowflakes can also watch a video Learn about glaciers, iceburgs & icecaps Science is math today 

Post It Number hunt – Write numbers 1-10 on 10 post it notes and place them throughout a room. Then give child a clipboard with a piece of paper that has the numbers 1-10 written on them. Have the child find post it notes and cross out the corresponding number on the paper. 

2023 Winter Theme Plan

Religion Focus: Learn the Guardian Angel Prayer

2Yr Old Options: Coloring pages 

Language Introduce I; Sandpaper letter; Build an igloo game Introduce W; Sandpaper letter; Winter first sound sort (E may be new if it is not in name)  Review G; G is for gloves dot page; pick a scene to practice direction following Snow globe letter match (I will use the blank template for all review letters) 
Math Use a muffin tin and tweezers to count and place 0-9 marshmallows Snowflake search* Hot chocolate 10 frames Winter clothespin counting 
Art/Sensory Freeze a water filled fruit cup and paint the ice (igloo) with watercolors Fine motor snowflakes Hot cocoa slime Puffy paint snowman 
S/G/H The winter list* Coffee Filter snowflakes Winter clothing match up Ice fishing experiment 

Snowflake search – Write numbers 0-9 on doylies (snowflakes) and hide them around the room. Give your child a clipboard with the numbers 0-9 on it. When they find a snowflake, cross off the corresponding number on the paper. 

The winter list – Make a list of the clothes that you wear in the winter to keep you warm. Discuss where people don’t have winter and would not need the things on the list. 

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